The Bid and the Sale
This essay reviews recent developments related to the financial crisis. It takes a look at the occupy movement and discusses the problems of financial market regulation, high-frequency trading and requirements for a transparent capitalism.
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Die digitale Frage
Dr. Angelika Brinkmann
Digital Democracy – Not a Myth but a Challenge
On November 4th, 2008, more than 130 million voters turned out to vote, the most ever to vote in a presidential election. On January 19, 2010 about twelve months after Barack Obama was elected president and Democratic margins in Congress widened, the Massachusetts special election saw a disenchanted electorate. While the Obama campaign had been highly successful fostering citizens interest, it had not been possible to sustain these efforts. This article discusses one possible option to do so. It touches briefly on the terms democracy and participation; it then presents arguments on the internet and democracy and introduces a new democracy tool, a software called liquidfeedback.
Die digitale Demokratie - kein Mythos sondern eine Herausforderung
Bei den Wahlen zum Deutschen Bundestag am 27.09.2009 lag die Beteiligung bei 70,8%. Das war ein Rückgang um 6,9% gegenüber 2005. Kann ein Demokratiewerkzeug wie LF wieder ein größeres an politischer Willensbildung wecken? ... mehr
High Noon at Copenhagen?
Overwhelming scientific consensus remains that the earth is warming, largely because of human activity with potentially dangerous consequences. But global warming is not only about climate change, but a mixed bag of export funding, market competititveness, development aid, security policy, billions of dollars and budget policy. Even though Copenhagen is perceived a failure, most politicians worldwide still believe in the urgent need for action-like
most of their voters.
The Future Dividend and the Crisis of the Economic System
In the 1974 science fiction movie Phase IV a colony of super-intelligent ants are running rampant at a lonely scientific outpost. For the human scientists there is a slow cognitive process ('Erkenntnisprozess') leading to understand completely different lifestyles -and ways of thinking. The end is a change in perception. Today`s crisis demands such a change as well.
The Future Dividend – A Definition
The Future Dividend presents a form/ a mechanism of financial compensation in order to tackel economic and social problems internationally.
Assuming that the absence of a world-wide destabilizing war contributed immensely to this process, the 21st century is confronted with a distinctive set of problems.
In the words of Winston Churchill:“ First we shape our buildings, then they shape us.“ In this sense, the Future Dividend is idealy the reclamation of political strength to the nation state within an interconnected world.
Dec 14,08
Die Zukunftsdividende – Eine Definition
Die Zukunftsdividende bezeichnet einen internationalen Kompensationsmechanismus zur Lösung wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Probleme. Ausgangsthese ist, dass Ursache für die heutigen Probleme nicht ausschließlich im System der Sozialausgaben und Finanzmärkte zu finden sind, sondern auch durch äußere Faktoren, wie die Abwesenheit eines Dritten Weltkriegs beeinflußt werden.
Von Winston Churchill stammt die Aussage:“ Erst formen wir Gebäude, dann formen die uns.“ Gemäss dieses Zitats ist eine funktionierende Zukunftsdividende als Kompensationsmechanismus der Internationalisierung sowie eine Option und Ergänzung für die Rückgewinnung der Gestaltungsmacht von Nationalstaaten. - 14.Dez. 08
Die große Koalition der Mutlosen oder das lange Leiden der Bundesrepublik D
Die Kanzlerin stellt die Regierungszeit unter das Motto “investieren, sanieren, reformieren”. Das klingt eher abstrakt technokratisch und dient nicht dem Bürger. Es geht um das Staatsgebilde, der Bürger als Steuer-,Beitrags- und Gebührenzahler versucht, denn sich darin zu finden, denn integrieren hat die Kanzlerin nicht vorgesehen. Dieses Spannungsverhältnis analysiert der nachfolgende Artikel anhand der Bereiche Bildung und Arbeit. ... mehr
The Future Dividend or
The Outer Limits - not a Peace Dividend but Burden Sharing
by Dr. Angelika Brinkmann
The 1963 anthology-type science fiction program The Outer Limits had a different cast each week. There was a tendency towards hard science, space travel, and human evolution. In each show it tried to examine some form of the question, What is the nature of man? The 1990s TV series by the same name took a journey into the unknown.
In 1972 the Club of Rome published a much talked about study, 'The Limits of Growth', which brought the manmade problems of the environment to attention and raised a lot of initial interest.
At present protesters take to the streets in France to protect their 'régime speciaux' (special benefits system) and in the U.S. 47 million Americans do not have health insurance. Are these facts related, and how could a solution be brought about? This essay tries to find out, and to discuss the thesis .... more
Health in India: Public apathy, Private enterprise- By Shubh Kumar-Range ... more
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Die Große Koalition der Suchenden oder 2006:
Odyssee in der (Bildungs-)Politik. Lehrstellenlücke und Generation
Praktikant ... mehr
The Chronicles of Intelligence – Big Brother, The Cold War
and 9/11. Assessment and Management of Intelligence
... more
Die grosse Koalition der Verursacher. Ursachenforschung,
Finanzpolitik und Arbeitsmarktprobleme einmal anders. Mögliche Lösungsansätze
zur Bewältigung der Herausforderungen...
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